Story of Hope: Charli
Meet Charli, a 24-year-old biochemistry student from London, who shares her moving story of recovery from over two years of chronic pain. She describes the science behind the ‘mindbody’ approach to calming her nervous system, and her hopes that medical practitioners will start to bring the vital link between emotions and physical symptoms more into their practice.
"You are so much more powerful than you think... you do have the tools inside of you to help yourself."
"A piece of advice I give doctors treating chronic pain... really listen to your patients and let them feel heard."
"Advice that I give others suffering from chronic pain... you are so much more powerful than you think."
Want to learn more?
Try taking the self-diagnostic quiz below. It has 12 ‘Yes or No’ questions. The more questions to which you answer ‘Yes’, the more likely it is that the resources on this website will help you.
Common PPD Symptoms Guide
Still curious? Browse our guide to common Psychophysiologic Disorders (PPD). It is important to recognize that PPD symptoms manifest uniquely in every individual; however, certain manifestations of PPD are more common than others and they are the subject of this page.