Jennifer Christian, MD, MPH, FACOEM

Dr. Christian has dedicated her career to specializing in caring for working-age individuals who have experienced stalled or poor recoveries from illness or injury, with a particular focus on those who have failed to heal despite extensive medical care and the passage of time. The typical patient that she has seen presents with persistent pain or other distressing subjective symptoms that have significantly disrupted their daily lives, often resulting in prolonged work disability.

Her main goal has been to shift patients' view of their role in their predicament, strengthen their inner drive, and equip them with the skills necessary to adhere to treatment and optimize their total life outcome. Dr. Christian has focused them on restoring a fulfilling and satisfying everyday life and finding their way out of the healthcare system and disability benefits system, if applicable.

During the recovery process, she has become her patients' champion and companion, evaluating their entire predicament, not just their body or mind. She has then created, delivered, and orchestrated a time-limited, multi-dimensional plan of care for the whole person, including medical and mental health treatment, education on health, pain, and recovery topics, instruction in self-care and self-management, goal-setting, future planning, as well as financial and career counseling. Whenever possible, she has collaborated with other involved health professionals. In cases where collaboration has not been possible, she has directed her patients to internet resources. Her approach to patient care reflects her commitment to empowering patients to achieve a fulfilling and satisfying life beyond their illness or injury.